Intelligent AI-Powered Document Creation
Simple documents created by AI and sent to OIS with no effort from clinical staff, and data-driven documents such as end-of-treatment or OTV notes are automatically created and filled in for review and approval.
AI precision
Reduced errors
Clinician empowerment
Increased patient time
Streamlined Workflow Automation
Easily access and create documents within FuseDocs without switching to other platforms such as Aria, Mosaiq, and Epic, radically reducing the time spent on records and administrative tasks.
Workflow compliance
Boosted productivity
Unified efficiency
Streamlined processes
Definitive Regulatory Compliance
Clinics see 26% error rates averages, driven primarily by documentation errors, resulting in millions of missing revenue and compliance risk. FuseDocs ensures all documents align with regulations, while freeing up more time for staff to work at the top of their license.
Error-free docs
Confident audits
Protect revenue
Reduced risk
Seamless System Integration
FuseDocs is built on our Syntyant platform that facilitates seamless interoperability among various OIS, OS, and EMR platforms, harmonizing with your tech to conduct a symphony of data flow that allows for scalability.
Unified operations
Real-time collaboration
EMR/OIS agnostic
Fuse solutions
FuseDocs is part of Fuse’s integrated suite of SaaS solutions including S!GNAL, all built on our interoperable Syntyant platform that eliminates data fragmentation and unifies diverse healthcare technologies. Build a practice that moves at the speed of the patient.
Who we serve
Serving the RadOnc Community
Whether you're an oncologist, radiologist, health system administrator, in IT, or Patient billing, Fuse Oncology collaborates with you to seamlessly integrate with your environment. We enhance your operational efficiency, fortify your financial standing, and allow you to dedicate more time to patient care while alleviating administrative burdens.
And we go well beyond creating transformative products — providing continuous support and consultation and a risk-free trial, ensuring that you experience immediate, tangible and scalable results.